Local Pick Ups at the Kennel
At Trogers Thai Ridgebacks, we strive to ensure that your Thai Ridgeback puppy arrives to you in the safest and quickest way possible. We offer local pick up and accommodate professional "nanny" pet transportation, 7 days a week during normal business hours. Although we do not endorse any specific pet transportation services, we have had several puppies picked up by transporters and would be happy to share the contact information of those who impressed both us at Trogers and our families receiving a puppy. If you are a Buyer and making arrangements with a pet transporter, please be sure to inform them of our normal business hours. We do not offer 24 hour pick up service.
Puppy Health Guarantee
Please refer to our Puppy Agreement which outlines our puppy health guarantee to you. If at anytime you are unable to provide a home for your Trogers Thai, please contact us so we may discuss options to assist with finding a home or assisting you with sending the Dog to Trogers TRD Rescue at Dragonfly Farms Kennel.